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St. Charles, Missouri, United States
With all the technology we have in this world why is it so hard to find a cure for cancer?

Monday, October 11, 2010


It's 7:30am on a beautiful Saturday morning... I am longing to jump on my scooter and go for a ride, maybe go to Hesterberg's cafe for breakfast then a nice leisurely ride back home or stop by the shop and see what's new!! But no, I am filling pill boxes and counting how many doses are left before I re-order, making sure his "easy" shirts and his Levi's (the only ones that fit anymore) are clean. I will scrub the kitchen floor and the bathrooms, change bedsheets, do laundry, dust and run the vacuum, all thinking about maybe jumping on the scooter tomorrow!

It's 7:30am on a beautiful Sunday morning... I am longing to jump on my scooter and go for a ride, maybe go to......... forget it, I want to go and I probably could because all he's going to do today is sleep in the recliner but that damn Catholic guilt creeps in and makes me keep my big fat butt sitting on the couch channel surfing and jumping on and off the computer!!

It's 7:30am on a beautiful Monday morning... I am at work, re-reading all the material for my conference call this morning longing to jump on my scooter and go for a leisurely ride..... vicki lee

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