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With all the technology we have in this world why is it so hard to find a cure for cancer?

Friday, September 3, 2010


Happy Labor Day weekend!! So I've noticed that he looks like he's losing weight again, so I checked to see how much of the liquid appetite inducing medication he had left. He still has a small amount in one bottle. He probably should have refilled the prescription last week. Hey Honey, have you been taking your liquid medicine every day like you're supposed to? "No, I take it when I remember it." Honey, you really need to take it every day like you're supposed to. "Well I noticed I was kinda looking fat, so I thought I would back off the medicine." ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Here's a thought for scientists and those folks that invent new medicines. How about inventing a pill that mimics the affects of my husbands cancer, the weight loss aspect, for women like me that struggle with their weight! I mean really, he "thinks" he's gaining weight so he just stops taking his med?? Ya know, I've said this before, cancer sucks (in any form) but being overweight and trying to lose and struggling with it... that really sucks!! vicki lee

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